Organic-Ally of Oxfordshire now trading as OrganicAlly at Etsy
Gingerly, I am trying to create a new website where you can read about what we (FirstHankieLady and Organic-Ally) stand for. Items in the shop are being traded via Etsy where, yes, they charge me a hefty commission. So please try to click on the social media links (especially Twitter/X)first as this would reduce the cost! Thank you. After much faffing about, I think I’ve managed to sort out the links in the navigation (two horizontal bars on the top right on a mobile).

About Us
A warm “Welcome” to organic●ally™ from #1 Hankie Lady, the first person with the vision (or some say crazy enough) to introduce organic cotton flannel handkerchiefs to the UK and EU. I must have done something right, as I see that I now have numerous competitors.
Since 2005 we have been constantly trying to re/invent ethically-traded and eco-friendly (pesticide-free) reusable products to replace plastic and paper disposables. Here we showcase those items which you can still buy on the Etsy platform.
Organic Cotton Flannel Hankies
These soft and fluffy are made from unbleached GOTS certified organic cotton fabric. Usually double-brushed (fuzzy on both sides), the SECONDS are made from fabric which has not been evenly brushed on both sides.
Cloud9 Organic Cotton Hankies
These cheerful handkerchiefs are made with GOTS certified flannel. They are more sturdy than the plain organic cotton hankies and are brushed only on one side. These hankies measure about 26.5cm across.
Organic Cotton Lawn Handkerchiefs
These lightweight lawn hankies are made with GOTS certified organic cotton lawn by Birch. They vary in size.
Organic Cotton/Bamboo Blend Handkerchiefs
Made from an organic cotton and bamboo handloom fabric from an ethical source, the yarn for the warp is organic cotton (giving strength) and the weft is bamboo (giving gives softness, lustre and absorption).
OEKO-TEX Flannel Handkerchiefs
More eco-friendly than conventionally-grown cotton
Here’s a peek at our hankies made with OEKO-TEX flannel.
Fabric by the quarter yard
I have to buy the fabric wholesale in order to make any profit. You can now buy these same fabrics in smaller amounts for your crafting and other sewing needs.
GOTS Organic Cotton Birch Lawn

Blush Solid

Bella Donna Margot Cream

Minty Solid

Blush and Margot Cream Hankies

Bella Donna Denim Blue

Denim Blue and Minty Hankies

Wooly Three / Wonky Check

Warm and Cozy Frost